I want to address the 4 I gave. The 3-day timeframe was extended to 5 days due to weather - switched to a 5. A worker came into the house to check the skylight installation and left shoes on; there was a trail of debris from his workboots from the front door to the bathroom. I followed up w/ a quick cleanup. Could you suggest worker shoe protection when entering a home? Patriot Roofing has set the bar in the roofing industry. From first impression - to last - each representative was nothing short of professional, approachable, and made my husband and I feel informed of each step in the roofing process we were in. We are 100% satisfied with our new roof and 150% positive we chose the right company to complete the job. Thank you so much Patriot Roofing!
It’s no surprise that preparing your home for rain is of utmost importance. However, many of us fail to think of the necessary preparations until the rain begins and by then we may already be experiencing property damage due to weather.